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IELTS IDP & IELTS British Council Online
First Section
1. IELTS Grammar parts of speech (15:07)
2. IELTS Grammar Participle clauses and infinitives (Download เอกสาร) (18:16)
คลิ๊กเลย!!! ดูตัวอย่าง คลิปเรียน IELTS Grammar Verb tenses in IELTS (15:13)
3. IELTS Grammar Verb tenses in IELTS (21:41)
4. IELTS Grammar Conjunctions (53:02)
5. IELTS Grammar Relative clauses (27:11)
6. IELTS Grammar participle clauses (19:39)
1. IELTS Reading Overview, questions and context clues (82:52)
2. IELTS Reading Passage 2 and intro passage 3 (46:08)
3. IELTS Reading Passage 3 questions (25:58)
4. IELTS Reading Passage 3 more questions and explanation (30:57)
5. IELTS Reading Test tips in general (6:52)
6. IELTS Reading Matching heading tips (4:46)
7. IELTS Reading Practice by question type (40:38)
8. IELTS Reading Practice by question type continue (47:53)
1. Listening Overview Part1 and Part 2 practice (45:25)
2. Listening Part 3 practice (16:41)
3. Listening Part 3 answers and Part 4 practice (57:19)
4. Listening Useful tips for IELTS listening in general (13:18)
5. Listening Listening tips for form completion and map labelling questions (31:14)
6. Listening Map labelling (40:02)
7. Listening Other question types (41:19)
1. Speaking Overview sample questions and answers (36:39)
2. Speaking Overview sample questions and answers continue (43:04)
3. Speaking Specific tips for part2 and useful words (27:32)
4. Speaking Specific tips for part 3 and useful words (29:46)
5. Speaking Topic specific vocaburaly for part 2 and part 3 (38:34)
6. Speaking Grammar (6:33)
1. Writing Overview and useful tips for task 1 (20:49)
2. Writing Overview and useful words for describing trends (56:51)
3. Writing task 1 Answers for useful word exercise (30:42)
4. Writing task1 Intro to diagram and model answers (30:57)
5. Writing Diagram model answer explanation and useful words (34:25)
6. Writing task1 More than one figure to describe (44:13)
7. Writing task 1 Maps (30:27)
8. Writing task 2 Overview (17:18)
9. writing linking words, synonyms and commonly misused words (50:47)
10. Writing Different Introductions (25:04)
11. Writing Task 2 Brainstorming ideas (30:41)
12. Writing task 2 Cultural globalization (22:03)
13. Writing Subordinate clauses and compound sentences (44:56)
14. Writing Relative Clauses (15:12)
15. Writing conditionals and participles (78:55)
16. Writing Infinitive phrases and structure variety (10:11)
17. Writing Common mistakes part 1 (52:51)
18. Writing Common mistakes part 2 (47:26)
คลิ๊กเลย!!! ดูตัวอย่าง คลิปเรียน IELTS Grammar Verb tenses in IELTS
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